Scale acquisition of hyper-engaged users with loyalty.

Our advertising partners achieve exceptional growth through targeted, effective rewarded campaigns and our proprietary loyalty platform, „Rewards“

Do It The Rewarded Way

At Rewards, we’re fervently dedicated to maximizing ROAS and 
retention for advertisers through our fully-managed rewarded campaigns.


We own and operate our loyalty platforms, ensuring direct oversight of ad units and placements.


Target the perfect demographic using age, gender, and behavior-based options.


Guarantee campaign effectiveness with user-specific personalized reward funnels.

Get the most-valuable users

Quality > Quantity

Our recommendation algorithm prioritizes quality over quantity in matching games with users by leveraging user data like age, gender, and previous behavior.

This precision targeting enhances advertisers‘ ROAS by connecting with users‘ distinct interests and gaming history, fostering higher engagement.

Ensure deep-funnel engagement

Rewarded Incentivized

Rather than merely incentivizing app installs, we develop an immersive rewarded funnel that incorporates a rewards flow personalized on user-level, retention bonuses, and dynamic limited offers to mitigate drop-offs.

By focusing on creating a rewarding environment, we encourage deeper engagement and a more meaningful connection with the game, leading to enhanced advertiser results.

Maximize Results with Rewards

Reach high-quality users from owned media sources.

Target your optimal user group with our 1st-party data.

Work with a team of experts to get the best results possible. 

Attract engaged users who get to know your game in a rewarding way.

Our Platforms

We own and operate our own rewarded platforms to ensure the highest quality traffic 
and maintain full control over the UX. This allows us to gain significant user insights,
enabling better matching and more effective campaigns.

About Rewards (.app/.de)

Our primary platform, Rewards, was founded in early 2023 and has since grown to over 1 million members.

It boasts a substantial membership base in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The platform utilizes innovative methods for presentation and rewarded funnels.

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Start Rewarding Now!

Launch your journey to higher engagement and ROI. Click here to
unleash the full potential of personalized reward campaigns.